Saturday, February 23, 2013


Geoffrey Dickens - Rex

Member of the UK Parliament Geoffrey Dickens reportedly made two copies of his 50-page dossier naming top paedophile child abusers.

In 1984, Dickens gave one copy to the Home Secretary Leon Brittan.

This copy apparently vanished.

 The Sunday People reports that the copy help by Dicken's family was destroyed after Dicken's death, .

Tory MP's file on alleged VIP child abuse ring was destroyed by family

Sir Jimmy Savile (right) with Cardinal Gray (hand on chin)

The dossier referred to police corruption, named senior ­politicians, and reportedly referred to the boy brothel called Elm Guest House.

On 29 November 1985, Dickens said in a speech to the Commons that: "The noose around my neck grew tighter after I named a former high-flying British diplomat on the Floor of the House.

"Honourable Members will understand that where big money is involved and as important names came into my possession so the threats began.

"First, I received threatening telephone calls followed by two burglaries at my London home. Then, more seriously, my name appeared on a multi-killer's hit list".

Tory MP warned of powerful paedophile ring 30 years ago, The Independent (22 February 2013).

Dicken's son Barry, 49, told the Sunday People: "My ­father’s file was ­destroyed after his death in 1995 because my mother considered it too sensitive to have hanging around the house."

Cardinal Keith O'Brien, Britain's top Catholic clergyman, who is soon due to retire Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell.

Three priests and a former priest have reported Cardinal Keith O'Brien to the Vatican over allegations of 'inappropriate behaviour'.

UK's top cardinal accused of 'inappropriate acts'

The claims stretch back 33 years.

The four priests are from the diocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh.

According to one of the priests, the cardinal developed an inappropriate relationship with him, resulting in a need for long-term psychological counselling.

O'Brien has strongly opposed gay rights and has condemned homosexuality as immoral.

St Patrick's Kilsyth - Fr O'Connell and Jimmy Saville 

Reportedly the first allegation against the cardinal dates back to 1980.

The complainant was then a 20-year-old at St Andrew's College, Drygrange.

Allegedly, O'Brien made an inappropriate approach after night prayers.

"Priest A" describes O'Brien coming to his parish, and inappropriate contact between the two taking place.

"Priest B" claims that he was invited to spend a week "getting to know" O'Brien at the archbishop's residence. He describes unwanted behaviour by the cardinal after a drinking session.

"Priest C" claims that O'Brien used inappropriate contact, during night prayers.

Rumours have linked Jimmy Savile to Elm Guest House

Richmond Council in London was told about Elm Guest House being run as a boy brothel, but the council bosses took no action.

Elm Guest House abuse scandal Council bosses failed to investigate VIP child abuse scandal despite warnings

Terry Earland, former head of children's services at Richmond, has revealed that on at least two occasions he referred complaints of sexual abuse from children to police and colleagues at the council.

Earland says that the complaints were not properly investigated.

Earland says that claims that VIPs,  including a Tory cabinet minister, were sexually abusing boys at the guest house were well known within the council.

Boys from Grafton Close children's home were sent to the boy brothel at Elm Guest House.

Neil Kier was the man in charge of Grafton Close children's home.

In 1982, when the police decided they were going to visit Elm Guest House, Terry Earland arranged for Neil Kier to be on standby to help any children found at the house.

Neil Kier Given Elm Guest House Raid Job

One line from the Mary Moss documents:

"Systematically buggered by Kier ...

"Introduced to H by Keir. He used to ring & tell them were (sic) to go to pick them up and take to mens homes."

The full story can be read at Exaro News



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